Thursday, February 18, 2010

Accepting and Admiting

Accepting was much more easier then admiting. I still find it very difficult to admit to others what I am going through, and that I have a child on the Autism Spectrum. Its not that I'm embaressed, as I'm very proud of what I have done for Nathan in his inventions, and I am also proud of his accomplishments and progression.

I'm just more reserved about how I feel, I don't want people asking all the time how Nathan is doing. Or, the looks people can't help but give, or don't know what to say.. so they say.. 'Oh.' or.. 'Aww'. I know they don't mean anything of it. They just don't understand, or know what else to say.

I went to my dentist, and on the desk was a flyer for fundraiser for the Therapeutic Riding Association. Now, I LOVE horses.. and completely understand what they can do for anyone with disabilities or special needs. I came to find out that their son was Autistic. When I went back to buy the tickets, the mom was wearing a shirt that said "Mother of an Autistic Child, and Proud Of It'. I started to tear up, and could only say.. Me Too!! I went home and immediately checked out the website, and got Nathan on the waiting list. I must have talked to them for 45 minutes!

This mom, the dentist has given me courage to make a self goal of admitting that I have a child with special needs. Slowly, I have been doing this. I am still private, and choose who I tell. But, let me tell you!! well.. you know when you buy a new car? and all you see around town is the same car? Well, its the same thing.. the more I talk to.. the more amazing people I meet with autistic children!!! This has helped me with my goal. I rarely tear up anymore when I mention it. It has become easier to explain and accept the 'Oh's and Awww's'

Soon, I will be ready to post this blog on my facebook so more family and friends can follow my on line diary.. But, not yet..

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