Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Birthday Party !!

Last weekend was Nathan's friend, Carson's birthday! He turned 4, he's one month older then Nathan is. When we got the invite to go, Nathan was SOOO excited :) And knew there would be balloons and cake and presents. I was a little nervous about taking him, so planned ahead and when I bought Carson's present, I also got one for Nathan to keep in the car to use as a bribe to leave the house.. or to remind him if he got upset about Carson opening all the presents.

He handled himself extremely well. There was just a couple of times that I had to go get him to bring him back to the 'party'. All the kids were downstairs in the play room, then everyone left to go upstairs. Nathan just remained, as content as can be playing with Carson's toys. I told him all the balloons were upstairs and he had no problem leaving the room to join the other kids upstairs. He laughed, and danced, played the games.. got extremely upset about the silly string and started yelling at people to stop and NO MORE!! Oh, what a mess!! Note to self.. do not bring silly string into the home, lol.

I just touched on Nathan's food issues how he only eats preferred foods. It was best described to me about his eating disorder from a dietician from Stan Cassidy's that for Nathan to eat an un-preferred food, would be like for us eating a cock roach. Think of fear factor. So, needless to say, Nathan didn't eat the lunch that was provided. Instead had a handfull of crackers, and he turned down the Birthday Cake!! I didn't push the issue, but both Jason and I tried.

The unfortanate thing was, the parents were giving us looks.. I mean, come on.. what kid doesn't like Birthday Cake!! But, Nathan again handled himself well, didn't melt down, just got all rigid and adement about NO CAKE! During the presents, he had a blast watching Carson open the gifts got excited and commented "Oh Cool!" etc.. then they happily played with the new toys. I was very proud of him, and then when it was time to go, I reminded him that there was a present in the car for him since he listened so well and he left perfectly!!

That night, I told him how happy he made me watching him play and dance. Gave him a hug and kiss and sent him off with sweet dreams. Well! About 5 minutes later, we hear him crying in his bedroom. Jason went in to see what was wrong, and he was sitting in his bed banging his stuffed Giraffe's head saying.. Jerry hurts his head! Jason got him to tell him what was wrong, and Nathan told him he was upset cause he didn't have any Birthday Cake! My heart melted when Jason told me this. I don't recall what Jason said to bring him down, but he read him a story, refreshed his music and not long after he was in his dream world.

Poor guy. I wonder what he was thinking at the time he refused the cake... and then again what he was thinking when he remembered he didn't have any and caused him to get so upset.

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